Spacefish Episode 1: Help Unwanted

Directed by
Gaetano Evangelista
Jim Meskimen, Mike O'Connell, Kevin Ford, Ed Galvez,
19 mins
 | 2013
 | United States
 | English

PART OF THE HPLFF-LA SECRET SCREENING!It is slightly after the Little Bang but before the Big one, and the Universe is in need of organization. Lazlo and Tequila, the only known Spacefish in existence, are looking for work. Little do they know that work is also looking for them. In a bizarre accident involving Lazlo's less than lovable cat PeeWee and the edge of Everything the Spacefish find themselves lost, alone, and in desperate need of help. They find help in a little feral robot, G13n-42, and together they begin their search for a way back home. Instead, they end up at an apartment building where they find Batiste Delacroix, the Universe incarnate. He, in an act of desperation, hires the Spacefish to essentially do his job and organize the Everything, put the strangeness back in order, and decide how the laws of the universe will work. Lazlo and Tequila can't go home until the job is done.

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