Beyond the Dunwich Horror
Using the HP Lovecraft tale as its history, Beyond the Dunwich Horror is set in the present day, when the descendants of the decadent Whateley family plot to resurrect their ancestors and flood the earth with voracious entities from outside of space and time.Kenny Crawford (Michael Reed) arrives in Dunwich after hearing that his brother Andrew (Jason McCormick) has been admitted to a psychiatric ward, and is suspected in a string of disappearances in the town. With the help of local reporter Marsha Calloway (Ruth Sullivan) and the eccentric Upton Armitage (Jeff Dylan Graham) he probes the last few weeks of his brother’s life. As they do so, they uncover evidence of a plot in the works revolving around Andrew, his girlfriend Nikki Hartwell (Sarah Nicklin) and her twisted friend Otto Bellinger (Carlos Brum).
Previously screened at:
10/2/2009 to 10/4/2009 in Portland, OR