2023 H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival - Film Media Form for Portland

Congratulations on your selection! This is the deliverables form for screenings taking place at the historic Hollywood Theatre October 6-8, 2023, AND streaming on Eventive the weekend of December 2-3rd.

This form is to streamline film traffic and make sure we have all the pertinent information for your film listing, including download links. Please help us by completing this form as soon as possible, ideally within 24 hours, with your film assets coming no later than the end of day Thursday, September 14, 2023 (We have a lot of films to process to get everything ready for testings, but we can work with you on this, so let us know in the form if you can't make that date with the formats requested).

Please read this all carefully. The form is simple, but there is a lot of information to help you accurately provide the info and files we need. We want to showcase your film in the best way possible, and getting the right kind of file is key to doing that! If you get lost, or you have questions, we're here to help, and we can do a lot to help, so please reach out.

After you hit the "submit" button, please wait for the page to refresh. You will be be redirected to a page where you can download your Official Selection laurels (if you haven't already gotten them).

While we can get much of this information in one way or another, this helps us put it all in one place, and gives you the opportunity to give us the fully-vetted and proofed information, exactly as you'd like to see it on our Web site and program.
Upload up to 3 full size frame grabs from your film, with no overlaid text or logos (this should not be your poster, it should be action shots from your film). Exciting moments that feature foreground closeups of a character (or monster) work the best at large and small thumbnail sizes.

Be sure to click to the "upload" button before submitting the form.

Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png.

Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png.
Enter a round number of minutes (so, 5:05 and 4:25 would both be just 5).
The year your film was completed.
Country where the film was made or produced. Please designate only one country.
What is the main language that is spoken in your film?
(LIMIT 300 CHARACTERS). Keep it a short teaser, avoid spoiling your film for our audience. IMPORTANT: If you paste a longer synopsis, it will be cut off in our system. Check your character count before submitting.

Please confirm that your film is not available publicly for free on streaming sites like YouTube, Vimeo, Tubi, Vudu, (etc) or on commercial home media or VOD (such as Amazon Prime, Netflix, etc.). You understand if your film IS available in these ways, your film selection status may be changed. While some exceptions may be made, with so many excellent films that do not have the exposure they need, and not enough screening time to show all of them, we prefer to fill our limited theater time with films that our audience can't see at home, so that we can do the most good for the most independent filmmakers who have yet to secure distribution.

Is your film playing for the first time in any of these regions on our festival dates of October 6-8, 2023?

Normally, people travel from all over the world to take part in the H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival. Unlike other Horror Festivals in the US, we have an international following of Lovecraft and Cosmic Horror fans, and we are the only festival that streams this specific genre to these particular kinds of fans worldwide. Our streaming edition is a highly anticipated event, not just for US fans, but those in countries as far away as Japan, Australia, and Sweden.

This year we are offering a curated 2-day streaming event December 2nd - 3rd, with access through December 5th. Streaming will take place on the secure Eventive platform that supports full studio-grade DRM (Fairplay, Widevine, forensic watermarking, etc.) for the safety of your film, and only ticketed audience members of our festival - all enthusiastic Lovecraft and Weird horror fans - will have access during these dates.

As with many film festivals, streaming lets us provide the festival experience to people with mobility and other health issues who can’t attend theatrical screenings, and brings your film to a wider audience who wouldn’t otherwise see it. Since only attending filmmakers can take part in Q&As at the in-person event, the streaming event allows us to host livestreamed Q&As with all filmmakers (whether attending in-person or not), to give you the opportunity to talk about your film and take questions from our audience.

23.98/24fps is the international exhibition film standard.

Files for Theater Screenings

At the Hollywood Theatre, we exhibit from DCP. If you do not have a DCP, we will make one for exhibition from your ProRes file, and can supply it to you on request after the festival for any future screenings you might have.

A DCP that you provide must not be locked or require a KDM.

For the best projection experience we recommend 2k or 4k DCP with 6 channel (5.1) audio. This is a big theater and stereo DCPs with only L and R audio will not sound as good without the center channel.

If you are interested in attending our theater screenings in Portland OR, we would love to have you take part in a short group Q&A session after the block your film appears in. If you can come you will receive a Filmmaker pass for each day that you'll be there so that you can watch films, experience the festival, and take part in your Q&A.

If you'd like to attend in person, please make your travel plans and let us know below, so that we can schedule your film and Q&A appropriately. We won't know yet when your film will be scheduled until we hear back from all attending filmmakers, and this takes some time, but if we know when you're coming, we do our best to ensure you can take part in a Q&A after your film block.

We are not able to do remote Zoom/Skype Q&As at the theater event.

Lodging: There is a link for our discounted hotel room block after you submit this form. Discounted rooms must be booked by September 15th. Please note that we are not able to assist with travel & lodging expenses.

Choose all that apply and we'll follow up with an RSVP form later

Questions or comments about the festival, Q&As, or other information we need in order to download your file or exhibit your film (like file availability dates or a format that wasn't listed)? Let us know here: