Panel: Herbert West as Cultural Icon

Available time: 
Friday, October 2, 2020 - 10:00am to Monday, October 5, 2020 - 6:00pm

For sixty years Herbert West lingered as a minor character in a minor story overshadowed by Lovecraft's more cosmic creations. That all changed in 1985 with the release of Stuart Gordon's Re-Animator. Since then Herbert West has become an icon comparable to Freddy Kruger, Michael Meyers, and Jason Voorhees spawning competing films, comic books, novels, short stories, and even a pitch for a TV series. What are the origins of this iconic character and how has he been fantastically and macabrely transformed over the years.

Moderated by Pete Rawlik, with panelists Molly Tanzer, K.L. Young, Christine Morgan, Ken Hite

Ask your own questions on the HPLFF Discord server!