The Greater Evil
Regional Premiere
Directed by
William R Coughlin8 mins
| 2015
| United States
| English
Lilith Delaney sits in a bleak interrogation room, recounting the tale of her short-lived run as Communications Director for Victor Balch, a rising Republican candidate for the Presidency once written off as a caricature for his brash, confrontational style. Despite his glaring flaws, Balch is rising rapidly in the polls, trouncing a more established opponent and gaining a fiercely loyal following. Though Lilith initially considers her role as just another job, she gradually finds herself subject to Balch's ineffable spell... until her gradual disillusionment allows her to catch a fleeting glimpse of his horrific true nature, and to understand his ultimate intent.
Previously screened at:
10/7/2016 to 10/9/2016 in Portland, OR
8/19/2016 to 8/21/2016 in Providence, RI
4/29/2016 to 5/1/2016 in San Pedro, CA