Static Aeons
Directed by
Gib Patterson6 mins
| 2011
| United States
| English
Adaptations of HP Lovecraft’s work have always been problematic. The qualities that make his writing affective and powerful stem from his word choice and phrasing. Rather than attempt to fully adapt a single story this project uses three Lovecraft short stories and combines chosen elements to create an original story line. This takes the form of an exploratory journey through a city left to decay in humanity’s absence, however, a lone haunted man remains, watching the city crumble from his office window. Through poetic voice-over, dramatic detailed scenery and environment this project evokes that indistinct and grimly beautiful Lovecraftian atmosphere.
Previously screened at:
8/20/2015 to 8/23/2015 in Providence, RI
10/4/2014 in Portland, OR
9/30/2011 to 10/1/2011 in Portland, OR
9/16/2011 to 9/17/2015 in San Pedro, CA