The Tell-Tale Heart (Animated)
Look into Edgar's eyes and witness his dark deeds, as the psychosis consumes him. While rationalizing his sanity, see how he observed, stalked, and preyed upon the evil eye. Following the murder and disposal of the old man and his pale blue vulture eye, Edgar is meet by three police officers who had come to investigate a shriek heard in the night. Why not let them in?After all, he took such wise precautions in concealing the body…Through the power of computer generated film, The Tell-Tale Heart Animated Horror short comes to life in Edgar Allan Poe’s real childhood mansion, Moldavia, with Edgar himself as the lead actor and narrator. Set in 1842 Richmond, VA, and filled with the macabre from his real life surroundings, the audience will be thrilled through the horrors of this classic story while also absorbing bits and pieces of Poe’s world….an homage to the great American author.More information:www.TheTell-TaleHeart.com
Previously screened at:
10/1/2010 to 10/3/2010 in Portland, OR