Dan O'Bannon is the well-known screenwriter behind the classics Alien, Total Recall, Lifeforce, Heavy Metal (two segments), Dark Star (which he did the special effects for and starred in as well; this led to a stint on Star Wars as a special effects designer) and Return of the Living Dead (which he also directed).
Dan could not be here in person due to health reasons but we have captured his essential saltes on the crawling celluloid which is the next best thing for us Lurkers.
A St. Louis native, he was inspired at an early age by horror movies, EC Comics, and weird fiction to pursue a career in film. A Lovecraft aficionado, he was the person to bring brilliant Swiss surrealist H.R. Giger to the attention of Hollywood. A talented artist himself as well as a great writer, O’Bannon is currently involved in a variety of film projects, and a book version of The Necronomicon.