Donovan K. Loucks is the creator of The H.P. Lovecraft Archive (HPLovecraft.com), the foremost web site devoted exclusively to H.P. Lovecraft. What began 25 years ago as a mere dozen web pages is now a massive site of over 700 pages. However, his primary area of specialty in Lovecraftian scholarship is tracking down locations visited by Lovecraft and then described in his fiction and letters. Donovan’s articles on Lovecraftian geography have appeared in Lovecraft Studies and Lovecraft Annual, and his photographs of some of these sites have been published in I Am Providence: The Life and Times of H. P. Lovecraft (Hippocampus Press), The Case of Charles Dexter Ward (University of Tampa Press), and The New Annotated H.P. Lovecraft (Liveright). A native of Phoenix, Arizona, Donovan now lives in Lovecraft’s hometown of Providence with his wife, Pam, and their black cat, Kemet.