Toren Atkinson is the lead singer for the H.P. Lovecraft inspired band The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets, as played on the video game Rock Band 2. Toren also co-designed and illustrated the award winning tabletop roleplaying game Spaceship Zero, and provided on-screen and voice acting talent to such properties as Stargate: Atlantis, Sword of the Stars (VG), Fort Zombie (VG), and Penny Arcade’s Cardboard Tube Samurai. He is one of the creators and co-hosts of the Caustic Soda podcast. Toren is an accomplished illustrator, with credits in tabletop games like Dungeons & Dragons and Call of Cthulhu, design work for video games like [PROTOTYPE] by Radical. In his current position as storyboard artist he has worked on Marvel's Avengers Assemble and Rocket Monkeys.