RISD Metcalf Auditorium, Chace Center - 20 N Main St.
Date and time:
Sunday, August 19, 2018 - 2:10pm to 3:40pm
Brand New Lovecraftian feature from Argentina, following the discovery, and ensuing chaos, of the Necronomicon (one of the five copies detailed by HPL himself in his "History of The Necronomicon") at the University of Buenos Aires.

Necronomicon: The Book of Hell
Directed by
Marcelo Shapcesstarring
Diego Velázquez, María Laura Cali, Daniel Fanego88 mins
| 2018
| Argentina
| Spanish
w/English subtitles
In Buenos Aires, Argentina, a copy of the fabled Necronomicon has been hidden in a secret section of the National Library for countless years. Flooding in the sub-basement of the library, and the mysterious death of Luis's upstairs neighbor, draws him deeper into the conspiracy and leads to a confrontation with evil forces.
Part of this event:
H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival – Providence, RI