The 2009 Schedule...

Yes... it is very late but here it is.THE 2009 SCHEDULE


2009 T-Shirt Design


Tickets Online...

More updates in the works... in the meanwhile online ticketing is available.


SpookySpookyScaryScary, Chuck and Dexter return!

SpookySpookyScaryScary_me.jpg SpookySpookyScaryScary is the episodic tale of CHUCK and DEXTER: best-friends, roommates and huge fans of horror author H.P. Lovecraft. But when the Great god CTHULHU sends Chuck a dream, the duo form the world's worst cult ever. Armed only with the power of the internet, cheap beer, small daggers and poor social skills they vow to spread the bad word that CTHULHU IS REAL!! A brutally sharp tale of obsession, fantasy and the comic horror of reality!

Updates Coming Soon....

The 2009 HPLFF will be held in Portland Oregon on October 2-3-4. We are rising from our R'lyehian slumber and are actively working on updating the site with new information.

The stars are almost right...


Ron Howard to make Lovecraft Movie?

I am sure by now you have seen splashed on the pages of Variety and echoed in most blogs and news sites that there is a chance that the graphic novel "The Strange Adventures of H.P. Lovecraft" may be made into a movie.

So I ask the lurkers... what do you think? Will Ron beat del Toro to the punch and be the first to make a major Hollywood Lovecraft based production?

Having gone to ComicCon for the last 4 years I wasn't sure if they were ever going to finish the graphic novel. So hats off.

Here is a link to an interview with the graphic novel creators on MTV: MTV Interview/Preview


HPLFF-SEA-Group.jpgThanks to Laurel Dodge, there is going to be a mini-HPLFF up in Seattle this March 20th running for a week at the Grand Illusion in Seattle Washington near UW. It is called HPLFF Best of Fest Seattle.

Advance ticket sales for the Gala Night March 21st are available for $10.00 via

HPLFF-Seattle-icon09.pngDavid Prior (Am1200) and Director Andrew Migliore (Founder HPLFF) will be on hand Saturday night for intros and Q&As.

Short Block 1: Casting Call of Cthulhu, Late Bloomer, The Book Dealers, Eel Girl, Legend of the Seven Bloody Torturers, The Canal, Maxwell's Mind, Experiment 18, Between the Stars, Call of Cthulhu

Shorts Block 2: The Outsider, Cool Air, AM1200

Shows Sat 7pm (Block 1) and 9pm (Block 2), and Sun 3pm & 5pm, and weekdays 7pm & 9pm, Doors open 1 hour before sceeenings.

Don't miss it!

2008 Awards!


Still recovering after the festival but want to announce the winners officially. We'll be updating the awards section once we've re-coded the awards section.

2008 Deep One Screenwriter Awards

The following screenplays were selected as best of out of a field of 54 entries. The head judges were author Robert M. Price, author Joseph S. Pulver, and festival director Andrew Migliore.

  • Jeffrey Blake Palmer’s nightmare parade “The Sleeping Deep” won first prize
  • Faisal A. Qureshi’s eerie “In Bright Darkness" won runner up

2008 Howie Awards

Both of these gentlemen have used Lovecraft's works as a springboard and have incorporated elements of it into there own works creating something new.

  • Author Brian Lumley
  • Artist Mike Mignola

2008 Brown Jenkin Awards

The following films were some of the best at this years festival. Through a combination of guest judges, audience feedback, and festival director's input the following films were nominated , with the winners indicated:

  • AM 1200 by David Prior — Best of Festival, Best Cosmic Horror Film
  • Eel Girl by Paul Campion — Best Short Film, Best Special Effects, Best Comedy
  • The Outsider by Doug Bradley — Best Dramatic Reading
  • Alien Raiders by Ben Rock — Audience Award Best Feature

Nominated for a Brown Jenkin

Member Benefits

They say membership has its benefits and it is true. If you sign up and are approved for an account on this site you can vote on films, leave comments, get instance updates, and be eligible for specials, prizes, and other news.