Regional Premiere
Directed by
Gaius Brownstarring
Patrick O'Donnell, Thomas Loone, Elizabeth A Hill, Paige Finlay34 mins
| 2022
| United Kingdom
| English
Malum Parish Vicar, Arthur, is called to the quaint seaside cottage of local fisherman Henwick, on the bleak winter English coastline. As the two men sit before the hearth on a stormy night, Henwick confides in Arthur's faith as he confesses in failing to save a girl from drowning on the shoreline before his house. As Henwick begins to divulge, Arthur quickly realizes that this is no normal declaration of guilt and self-pity. Arthur's faith becomes tested as Henwick proceeds to divulge the harrowing and ungodly events that followed that awful event. The atmosphere that grows increasingly tense as Arthur relentlessly battles Henwick's haunting convictions.
Henwick - Official Trailer from GMVisuals. on Vimeo.
Previously screened at:
10/7/2022 to 10/9/2022 in Portland, OR