Author Readings - Jesse Bullington, Anya Martin, Caleb Wilson
Author Readings in the Classroom, with Jesse Bullington, Anya Martin, Caleb Wilson.
We regret that Scott Nicolay is unable to join us this weekend.

Jesse Bullington wears the influence of the Gentleman from Providence on the pages of his three weird historical novels: The Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbart, The Enterprise of Death, and The Folly of the World. Under the pen name Alex Marshall he is writing the Crimson Empire trilogy, which mixes epic fantasy with cosmic horror and gallows humor—the first volume, A Crown for Cold Silver, made the Tiptree Award Honor List, and the second, A Blade of Black Steel, dropped in May. He is also the editor of the Shirley Jackson Award-nominated anthology Letters to Lovecraft, and co-editor (with Molly Tanzer) of Swords v. Cthulhu. He’s published numerous short stories, some of them Mythos-themed, as well as various articles and reviews; a full bibliography can be found at

Anya Martin has always rooted for the monster and regrets abandoning her earliest career aspiration--paleontology. She's also half-Finnish, still likes punk rock though now with a heavy side of blues and experimental jazz, has a bachelor's degree in anthropology, cooks dangerously hot curries, earns her living as a journalist and abides in Atlanta. Her fiction appears in such anthologies and magazines as the upcoming Eternal Frankenstein, Cthulhu Fhtagn!, Giallo Fantastique, Cassilda's Song, Xnoybis #2, Borderlands 6, Resonator: New Lovecraftian Tales From Beyond, and Womanthology: Heroic. She is also associate producer of The Outer Dark podcast, which interviews weird fiction creators and was awarded Best Podcast for 2015 by This Is Horror. She grew up with Weird as the daughter of William C. Martin, First Fandom member and one of the world's most prominent H.P. Lovecraft collectors.