The Shaver Mystery
Regional Premiere
Directed by
Dean Bertramstarring
Ray Palmer, Joshua Cutchin, Maxim W. Furek, Tim R. Swartz, Steve Ward, Nathan Paul Isaac, Gabriel McKee, Bryan Shickley14 mins
| 2024
| United States
| English
Was sci-fi writer Richard Shaver really abducted and tormented by a malevolent underground race of hideous humanoids, known as the “Dero”? Regardless, his “true” stories – known collectively as “The Shaver Mystery” - were the most successful and controversial sci-fi tales of the mid 20th century.
Previously screened at:
10/18/2024 to 10/22/2024 in Portland, OR
10/4/2024 to 10/6/2024 in Portland, OR