Tainted Bloodlines
A discussion of Lovecraft’s heroes as other. Olmstead in “The Shadow Over Innsmouth,” “The Outsider,” “Arthur Jermyn,” and “Rats in The Walls;” all have a main character with either an unfortunate hereditary trait or a penchant for being an unwitting monster. Panelists will explore Lovecraft’s themes of identity, loss of self, and what it means to be a monster. Rawlik, McMillan, Renwick, Joshi, Price

Peter Rawlik is a prolific author of Lovecraftian Fiction including the novels Reanimators and The Weird Company. His fiction often focuses on characters and events forgotten by Lovecraft and his successors. His latest novel is the Lovecraftian noir Reanimatrix, which tells the story of both Robert Peaslee and Megan Halsey, the second generation of Lovecraftian Heroes.

Chris McMillan has written and published the webpage The Shadow Over Portland for 12 years, listing Horror/Sci Fi/Fantasy events around the Pacific Northwest, as well as writing opinion pieces and reviews. He has interviewed and moderated panels with genre filmmakers and including Roger Corman, Barbara Steele, Julie Adams, as well as local filmmakers such as Joe Sherlock. He plans to start a TSOP podcast, and self-publish his first novel, in 2023.

Alex C. Renwick was designed in Canada, built in California, and grown in Texas. She has written dozens of short stories as Camille Alexa, including her award-nominated collection Push of the Sky, which received a starred review in Publishers Weekly and was an official reading selection of Portland’s Powells Books SF Book Club.

Robert M. Price, a fan of H.P. Lovecraft since the Lancer paperback collections of 1967 appeared, began writing scholarly articles ands humorous pieces on HPL and the Cthulhu Mythos in 1981. His celebrated semi-pro zine Crypt of Cthulhu began as a quarterly fanzine for the Esoteric Order of Dagon Amateur Press Association in 1981 and made it to 109 issues. In 1990 he began editing Mythos anthologies for Fedogan & Bremer and Chaosium, Inc. and still does! His fiction has been collected in Blasphemies and Revelations. Centipede Books will soon be issuing his five-volume annotated edition of the fiction of H.P. Lovecraft.