Author Readings 3

Jim Smiley has had many jobs. Infantryman, private investigator....and his new career has caused relations to disown him, and made dogs to weep in the zocalo. He is an author of strange things. He is the author of both Girls' Night In and Both Alike in Dignity, is a contributor to Dark Discoveries magazine, and is a submissions editor for Dark Regions Press.

Christine Morgan works the overnight shift in a psychiatric facility, which plays havoc with her sleep schedule but allows her a lot of writing time. A lifelong reader, she also reviews, beta-reads, occasionally edits and dabbles in self-publishing. Her other interests include gaming, history, superheroes, crafts, cheesy disaster movies and training to be a crazy cat lady.

K. M. Alexander is a Pacific Northwest native and novelist living and working in Seattle with his wife and two dogs. He is an avid hiker, wannabe cyclist, and self-proclaimed beer snob. His work explores non-traditional settings within speculative fiction, bending and blending genres to create rich worlds and unique approachable characters.