Cthulhu Gloom
Learn to play Cthulhu Gloom (designed by Keith Baker!)
Saturday at 12 pm - demo table 2 with Keith Baker!
Sunday at 2 pm - demo table 2
From Dunwich to Innsmouth, from the halls of Miskatonic University to the Charles Dexter Ward at Arkham Asylum, trouble is in the air. The stars are almost right, and terrors from beyond space and time are beginning to break through. When Cthulhu rises, we're all doomed – but whose downfall will be the most entertaining?
Cthulhu Gloom takes the game play of Atlas' Gloom and puts a Lovecraftian spin on it. Each player controls a group of protagonists, and your goal is to make them as miserable and insane as possible – preferably with them dying quickly while your opponents' heroes remain sane and (at a minimum) alive. In the publisher's description: "While your characters Gibber With Ghouls and Learn Loathsome Lore to earn negative points, you'll encourage your opponents to be Analyzed by Alienists and to Just Forget About the Fungus to pile on positive points. When one group finally falls prey to the interdimensional doom that awaits us all, the player whose characters have suffered the most wins."

Keith Baker is an author and game designer best known for creating the world of Eberron for Dungeons & Dragonsand the card game Gloom. Lovecraft's work has inspired many aspects of his RPG work, and his Mythos-themed games include Cthulhu Gloom, The Doom That Came To Atlantic City, and Cthulhu Fluxx.