Event Info

Oct 6 2023 - 6:00pm to Oct 8 2023 - 11:00pm
4122 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland 97212
Portland, OR

The 28th Annual H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival returns on all 3 screens of the Hollywood Theatre, October 6-8, 2023!

What to expect: 3 days of independent cosmic horror and Lovecraftian films, literary events, live events, art, and an amazing community of fans and creators!


Directed by
Daniel Bowhers
100 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Joe Lynch
90 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Charlie Steeds
88 mins
 | 2023
 | GB
Directed by
Joseph Scrimshaw
22 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Clayton Orgles
21 mins
 | 2023
 | AU
Directed by
Isaya Evans
21 mins
 | 2023
 | KE
Directed by
Kevin Favillier
20 mins
 | 2022
 | FR
Directed by
Quinn Bailey
18 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Alain Fournier
17 mins
 | 2022
 | CA
Directed by
Nicolás Medina
17 mins
 | 2022
 | UY
Directed by
Craig Williams
17 mins
 | 2023
 | GB
Directed by
Heather Humpleman
14 mins
 | 2022
 | US
Directed by
Jose Luis Rodriguez Casarin
12 mins
 | 2022
 | MX
Directed by
Giles Buchanan
11 mins
 | 2023
 | GB
Directed by
Drew Roderick
10 mins
 | 2022
 | US
Directed by
Miguel Ferreira
10 mins
 | 2023
 | PT
Directed by
Nicholas Camp, Don Thiel III
9 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Adam Navas
9 mins
 | 2022
 | US
Directed by
Andreas Petersen
5 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Gary Lobstein
5 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Joe Loftus
5 mins
 | 2022
 | IE
Directed by
Noah Nathan Hale
1 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Luca Ferrara
17 mins
 | 2022
 | IT
Directed by
Patrick Müller
6 mins
 | 2023
 | DE
Directed by
3 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Tyler Savage
15 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Vanessa-Tatjana Beerli
24 mins
 | 2023
 | CA
Directed by
Ian Mantgani
16 mins
 | 2023
 | GB
Directed by
Rasmus Safarnia
12 mins
 | 2022
 | DK
Directed by
Fidel Ruiz-Healy, Tyler Walker
12 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Anthony Cousins
80 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Jeff Gorcyca
7 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Anatasha Blakely, Jacob Sorling
8 mins
 | 2022
 | US
Directed by
Øyvind Willumsen
13 mins
 | 2023
 | NO
Directed by
Marco Falcucci
5 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Michael Andrew Swastek
9 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Andrew Rutter
12 mins
 | 2022
 | GB
Directed by
Konstantinos Koutsoliotas
111 mins
 | 2023
 | GR
Directed by
Michael J. Ahern, Ryan Miller, Brandon Perras-Sanchez
78 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Martin Berthiaume
10 mins
 | 2023
 | CA
Directed by
Ryan Couldrey
4 mins
 | 2023
 | CA
Directed by
Gregory Foxx Jr.
18 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Tim Troemner
6 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Aidan Collett
15 mins
 | 2022
 | US
Directed by
Stefan Schaefer
18 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Ignacio Rodo
3 mins
 | 2023
 | ES
Directed by
Joshua M Kellerman
20 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Bodine Boling
6 mins
 | 2022
 | US
Directed by
Byron Marin
16 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Eric Evans
8 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Andrew Scot Frink
12 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Rebekah McKendry
79 mins
 | 2022
 | US
Directed by
Cameron Beyl
70 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Taka Tsubota
18 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Sean Hogan
43 mins
 | 2023
 | GB
Directed by
Tim O'Leary
7 mins
 | 2022
 | US
Directed by
Jesse Nesser
18 mins
 | 2022
 | US
Directed by
Joe Solomon
13 mins
 | 2023
 | GB
Directed by
Stuart Gordon
86 mins
 | 1986
 | US
Directed by
Team Trash People From the Dump
7 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Team PDX Filmmongers
9 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Team Amelus
8 mins
 | 2023
 | US
Directed by
Team Wild Hare
4 mins
 | 2023
 | US