CthulhuCon is made possible with the support of our sponsors. You can help support CthulhuCon by visiting our sponsor's webpages, and telling them thank you by giving them your support at well.
If you would like to become a sponsor or advertise in our program, please fill out our Advertising and Sponsorship form to reserve ad space or sponsor slot. We will contact you by e-mail to confirm and arrange payment. Ad reservations and Payment are due by March 31st. Ad copy is due by April 10th.
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Dark Horse Comics was founded in 1986 by Mike Richardson as an offshoot of his Oregon comic-book retail chain, Things From Another World. Richardson pursued the idea of establishing an ideal atmosphere for creative professionals, and twenty-five years later the company has grown to become the third-largest comics publisher in the United States.
Arc Dream Publishing is a small-press publisher of high-quality games (and whatever else strikes its managers’ fancy), founded by Pagan Publishing veteran Dennis Detwiller and editor Shane Ivey.
We produce the critically-acclaimed roleplaying games Monsters and Other Childish Things, Wild Talents: Roleplaying in a World Gone Mad, Better Angels, and the classic World War II superhero game GODLIKE: Superhero Roleplaying in a World on Fire, 1936-1946. We also work with Pagan Publishing to develop new projects for the award-winning Delta Green game line and to publish the infamous horror gaming magazine The Unspeakable Oath.
Apparel, accessories, DVDs, Books, oddities. Your one-stop Cthulhu Shop!
Replica skulls, disturbing modded figurines, creepy props, fine dark original art.
Angel May set out to create a gaming store for her generation. A generation that plays video games, and D&D, and board games, and World of Warcraft, and Magic the Gathering, and Warhammer 40K, and….. A generation unwilling to let go of the past, but more than willilng to embrace the future of gaming. A game store to socialize and mingle with like minded gamers.
In addition to a wide and varied selection of games, Guardian Games hosts special events like Beer, Pizza, and Games night; Gamers Halloween parties, Valentine’s Singles gaming, Gaming Yard Sales, and more. They have seating for 300 for board game days, meetups, birthday parties, LARP’ing, collectible card tournaments… you name it! Guardian Games carries and refurbishes vintage video game systems and games. And offers ways for customers to earn discounts on their favorite games just for playing games in the store.
EOD Center