The Nightmare Adorable
World Premiere
Directed by
Joseph Scrimshawstarring
Amy Vorpahl, Hal Lublin, Ken Napzok, Dana DeRuyck22 mins
| 2023
| United States
| English
The hosts of a horror chat show celebrate their favorite fictional dark deity, Bapholeth, by selling a cute toy in his image. Only to be attacked by a very real cultist offended by the adorable blasphemy. A horror film about how we love horror.
Previously screened at:
12/1/2023 to 12/3/2023 in Portland, OR
11/3/2023 to 11/5/2023 in Mobile, AL
10/6/2023 to 10/8/2023 in Portland, OR
8/18/2023 to 8/20/2023 in Providence, RI