We come again "to that ancient sea town [San Pedro], where elders...commanded their sons to keep festival once every century [or year] that the memory of primal secrets might not be forgotten." Our intrepid leaders will properly christen the event with an opening Invocation led by your eldritch host Cody Goodfellow.
Cthulhu will rise from his slumber thanks to the special effects wizardry of Anthony Parker and the sponsorship of LoveCraft Wines!

Aaron Vanek received the 2005 Howie Award for his contributions to Lovecraftian cinema from the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival®-Portland, where he has been a regular guest and contributor since its inception in 1994. He expanded the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival®-San Pedro franchise into Los Angeles in 2010 and has continued running it for six years.
Vanek’s movies can be purchased from Lurker Films (www.lurkerfilms.com) on the H.P. Lovecraft Collection vol. 3, and the Weird Tales Collection featuring The Yellow Sign, based on R.W. Chamber’s story of the same name.
Two of his Call of Cthulhu role-playing game scenarios comprise the Chaosium monograph Farewell, My Sanity and another, “They Sleep by Twilight,” was published in issue #5 of World of Cthulhu magazine. A supplement to the game about psychedelic drugs in the mythos is expected to be published in 2015.

Cody Goodfellow has written ten novels and five collections of short stories, and has won three Wonderland Book Awards. His comics work has been featured in Mystery Meat, Creepy, Slow Death Zero and Skin Crawl. As an actor, he has appeared in numerous short films, TV shows, music videos by Anthrax and Beck, and a Days Inn commercial. He wrote, co-produced and scored the Lovecraftian hygiene films "Baby Got Bass" and "Stay At Home Dad," which can be viewed on YouTube.

James Knouse is a director for the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival® San Pedro, Owner of LoveCraft Wines and Walking Kind of Bird Productions. When not juggling the 3 above you can find him tending to his wicked garden where he grows his legendary peppers, witchy herbs and carnivorous plants.