Cthulhu Prayer Breakfast
with Robert M. Price & Cody Goodfellow
Saturday, May 4, 9-11am
click here for tickets!
What is a Cthulhu Prayer Breakfast? Last year, we hosted a private event for guests featuring Cody Goodfellow and Robert M. Price presiding over a morning ritual involving the scalding juice of blackened berries, roasted beasts, and the unborn offspring of flying creatures (as well as a few vegetarian selections). This year, we will be recreating this abominable feast for a larger audience on Saturday morning (May 4) from 9-11 am at the Columbia River Brewing Company. They have agreed to open early for just for us, and will be hosting and catering the event.
The Columbia River Brewing Company, located at 1728 NE 40th Ave, is easy walking distance from the theatre. We will be bringing High Priest Price to the festival for the ultimate showdown with Hierophant Goodfellow in a battle for our souls (over breakfast). All our Kickstarter backers who have pledged $100 or more will receive a free entry to this catered limited seating event. Remaining seats to this catered event will be offered to festival-goers for approximately $20.