Feature Film: Chimera (w/Q&A)

Upper Right theater
Date and time: 
Sunday, October 7, 2018 - 3:10pm to 5:00pm


Directed by
Maurice Haeems
Henry Ian Cusick, Kathleen Quinlan, Erica Ervin, Jenna Harrison, Karishma Ahluwalia
80 mins
 | 2018
 | United States
 | English

A brilliant but disturbed scientist freezes his children alive, while he races to cure their deadly genetic disease by decoding the DNA of the immortal Turritopsis jellyfish.

Maurice has a Bachelor's degree from the VJTI School of Engineering of the University of Mumbai and an MBA in Finance from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He has enjoyed successful careers in mechanical/fluid engineering, investment banking, and software entrepreneurship. In 2014, Maurice decided to pursue his fourth career (and first love) - storytelling and filmmaking. After taking a few online and evening classes, he wrote the screenplay for Chimera, and collaborated with former investors and business partners to raise the capital for the project. Chimera was shot in Fitchburg, MA and will be completing post-production by early 2018. Chimera is Maurice's first feature film. He continues to be enthralled by advancements in biotechnology, the extension of human lifespans, and the science/ fiction of immortality and transhumanism. He has begun development on his second feature (The Archetype) which further explores these themes and their impact on the human experience.

Attended these previous events

Previously attended:

H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival - Portland, OR