Cthulhu and "__": Two Great Tastes That Taste Great Together
We’re undeniably in the middle of a Lovecraftian renaissance, but most calls for stories include a caveat asking writers to avoid pastiche. Editors obviously want to see Lovecraftian ideas used in new and intriguing ways, and applied to other genres. What does that say about the state of the field? Is pastiche tapped out, or are we just living in a post-Pride and Prejudice and Zombies world? Stross, Tanzer, Goodfellow, Glancy, Koch, Griffin

Charles Stross, 50, is a full-time science fiction writer and resident of Edinburgh, Scotland. His modern Lovecraftian series, The Laundry Files, includes the Hugo-award winning novellas "The Concrete Jungle" and "Equoid", the Locus Award-winning novel "The Apocalypse Codex", and has been shortlisted for numerous other awards; "The Annihilation Score" (Laundry Files book six), was published by Ace in July 2015.

Molly Tanzer is the author of the weird western Vermilion (Word Horde, 2015) and the forthcoming historical novel The Pleasure Merchant (Lazy Fascist, 2015). Her debut collection, the Lovecraftian mosaic novel A Pretty Mouth, was nominated Sydney J. Bounds and Wonderland Book Award. Her other Lovecraftian short fiction has appeared in Nightmare Magazine was well as on the Lovecraft eZine, and in such anthologies as the forthcoming Cthulhu Fthagn!, The Book(s) of Cthulhu, Future Lovecraft, and The Book of the Dead. Her forthcoming Lovecraftian stories include "The Thing on the Cheerleading Squad" (She Walks in Shadows) and "But Only Because I Love You" (Dreams From the Witch House). She is also the co-editor of the forthcoming Swords v. Cthulhu, with Jesse Bullington. Molly lives in Boulder, Colorado with her husband and a very bad cat. She tweets @molly_the_tanz, and blogs — infrequently — at http://mollytanzer.com.

Cody Goodfellow has written ten novels and five collections of short stories, and has won three Wonderland Book Awards. His comics work has been featured in Mystery Meat, Creepy, Slow Death Zero and Skin Crawl. As an actor, he has appeared in numerous short films, TV shows, music videos by Anthrax and Beck, and a Days Inn commercial. He wrote, co-produced and scored the Lovecraftian hygiene films "Baby Got Bass" and "Stay At Home Dad," which can be viewed on YouTube.

In 1998 Scott Glancy left a perfectly functional career as an attorney to join up with the role-playing game publisher Pagan Publishing, the nerd equivalent of running away to join the Foreign Legion. Today Scott is the man in charge of Pagan Publishing (much in the same sense that the last surviving legionnaire can be said to be in command of Fort Zinderhoff). Pagan’s most recent project is “Horrors of War,” an anthology of scenarios set during the Great War for the Call of Cthulhu role-playing game. Scott is a contributing author on the award-winning Delta Green series of Call of Cthulhu rpg supplements and has had Lovecraftian fiction published in several short story collections including the recent "Book of Cthulhu II," "Shotguns v. Cthulhu," and the upcoming “Swords v. Cthulhu.” You can hear his recorded games sessions on Role-Playing Public Radio, and listen to him bloviate on the Unspeakable Podcast and Podcast at Ground Zero.

Derek is the Monster Kid Hall of Famer creator of the Supernatural Solutions: The Marc Temple Casefiles series, as well as the upcoming 6-Week Rotation series of superhero novels. If you can't find him at his website/YouTube channel Monster Kid Writer, you can find him at his award-winning Monster Kid Radio podcast, the weekly podcast celebrating the classic, and sometimes not-so-classic, genre cinema of yesteryear.

Michael Griffin has released a novel, Hieroglyphs of Blood and Bone (Journalstone, 2017), and a short fiction collection, The Lure of Devouring Light (Word Horde, 2016), and the novella "An Ideal Retreat" (Dim Shores, 2016). His short stories have appeared in magazines like Apex, Black Static, Lovecraft eZine and Strange Aeons, and the anthologies The Madness of Dr. Caligari, Autumn Cthulhu, the Shirley Jackson Award winner The Grimscribe's Puppets, The Children of Old Leech and Eternal Frankenstein. He's an ambient musician and founder of Hypnos Recordings, an ambient record label he operates with his wife in Portland, Oregon. Michael blogs at griffinwords.com. On Twitter, he posts as @mgsoundvisions.