Panel 8 - Weird Horror & The Golden Age of Radio

Panel Discussion
EOD Center
Date and time: 
Sunday, October 8, 2017 - 4:15pm to 5:30pm

"Did you hear that?" - Join us for a discussion of Suspense, Lights Out, Inner Sanctum, and more!

Chris McMillan has written and published the webpage The Shadow Over Portland for 12 years, listing Horror/Sci Fi/Fantasy events around the Pacific Northwest, as well as writing opinion pieces and reviews. He has interviewed and moderated panels with genre filmmakers and including Roger Corman, Barbara Steele, Julie Adams, as well as local filmmakers such as Joe Sherlock. He plans to start a TSOP podcast, and self-publish his first novel, in 2023.

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Tim Uren is a theater artist and board game writer who has worked on a number of Lovecraftian projects. As an actor, he and Joseph Scrimshaw portrayed hapless cultists Chuck and Dexter in the short films “Cthulhu for President” and “It’s the Great Cthulhu Chuck & Dexter.” Killing Joke Films joined with Uren for a filmed adaptation of “The Curse of Yig” in 2011. His theater company, Ghoulish Delights, specializes in bringing tales of terror to the stage including “The Rats in the Walls” as well as “Trust and Obey” (based on Lovecraft’s “The Temple” and Stephen King-Hall’s “Diary of a U-Boat Commander”). He is one of the co-hosts of the Mysterious Old Radio Listening Society podcast, a discussion of the classic horror shows from the golden age of radio. Tim provided design and writing expansions to the Arkham Horror board game and writes for the Eldritch Horror board game and its expansions. Most recently, he has been writing for the Mythos Tales game from 8th Summit Games.

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Andrew Leman is one of the founding members of the H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society, and has produced a number of literary, film, theatrical, music, prop and gaming projects there over the decades with his longtime friend and collaborator Sean Branney. He has written and produced more than 20 live-action Lovecraftian role-playing games. He wrote and directed the first HPLHS film, "The Testimony of Randolph Carter", directed "The Call of Cthulhu", and co-wrote and co-produced The Whisperer in Darkness. He co-wrote, produced, and appears in the "Dark Adventure Radio Theatre" series of Lovecraft adaptations. Leman earned his MFA in acting from the University of Illinois, and has been seen on professional stages in Chicago and Los Angeles. He greatly enjoys reading for The H. P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast and being an occasional guest host. When not pursuing any of these many other occupations, Leman is a graphic and type designer, and his typographical work has been seen in books and on movie screens, Trader Joe’s products, and billboards nationwide.

Attending these events:

Fri, Oct 4 to Sun, Oct 6
Hollywood Theatre
Portland, OR
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In 1998 Scott Glancy left a perfectly functional career as an attorney to join up with the role-playing game publisher Pagan Publishing, the nerd equivalent of running away to join the Foreign Legion. Today Scott is the man in charge of Pagan Publishing (much in the same sense that the last surviving legionnaire can be said to be in command of Fort Zinderhoff). Pagan’s most recent project is “Horrors of War,” an anthology of scenarios set during the Great War for the Call of Cthulhu role-playing game. Scott is a contributing author on the award-winning Delta Green  series of Call of Cthulhu rpg supplements and has had Lovecraftian fiction published in several short story collections including the recent "Book of Cthulhu II," "Shotguns v. Cthulhu," and the upcoming “Swords v. Cthulhu.” You can hear his recorded games sessions on Role-Playing Public Radio, and listen to him bloviate on the Unspeakable Podcast and Podcast at Ground Zero.

Attending these events:

Fri, Oct 4 to Sun, Oct 6
Hollywood Theatre
Portland, OR
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Derek is the Monster Kid Hall of Famer creator of the Supernatural Solutions: The Marc Temple Casefiles series, as well as the upcoming 6-Week Rotation series of superhero novels. If you can't find him at his website/YouTube channel Monster Kid Writer, you can find him at his award-winning Monster Kid Radio podcast, the weekly podcast celebrating the classic, and sometimes not-so-classic, genre cinema of yesteryear.

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H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival - Portland, OR